WP2.1. Developing the Programme & Equipping the Leadership Development Labs
Study visit to University of Glouchester, UK, February, 10-14, 2020
During February 10-14, 2020, representatives of 6 higher education institutions from the Republic of Moldova (TUM – Technical University of Moldova; SUM – State University of Moldova; AESM – Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova; SUMPh – State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”; SUARB – State University „Alecu Russo” from Bălți, SU Cahul – State University „B.P. Hasdeu” from Cahul; ASUM – Agrarian State University of Moldova) and the head of the Higher Education Policy Department, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic Moldova, Associate Professor, PhD Nadejda VELIȘCO take part in a study visit to the University of Gloucestershire, UK, as part of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project – „Moldova Higher Education Leadership and Management” (MHELM).
Study visit report
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Study visit to Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania, February, 17-20, 2020
Between February 17-21, 2020, a study visit took place at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, within the MHELM project. The study visit was attended by representatives of six higher education institutions in Moldova, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.
MHELM Study visit_ UTBv 17-21 February 2020
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- LEADERSHIP-2020_Daniel_Munteanu_opt
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- Strategia_de_mk_a_FSEAA_ian_2020
Study visit report
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Virtual visit to ISOB, Regensburg, Germany, May, 18-22, 2020
On May 18-22, 2020, within the Erasmus+ project Moldova Higher Education Leadership and Management (MHELM) a virtual visit in the form of an online seminar was conducted on „University Strategy Building in a Regional Perspectives: Action Learning in University-Business-Society Cooperation”. This virtual training replaced the study visit to the Institute of Social Studies (ISOB) in Regensburg, Germany. But the pandemic forced a change in the format of the visit, which took place online.
The training session was organized by ISOB, one of the European partners of the MHELM project, which was attended by over 40 people, representatives of Moldovan and European partner universities. The partners from Germany invited several academic stakeholders, who presented the experience of the Bavarian region in the field of training.
- Coaching-Mentoring_as_Learning_Methodologies
- MHELM_Regensburg_ActiveLearning_Alexander_20.05.2020
- MHELM_Regensburg_Research_Model_David_21.05.2020
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- OTH-Regensburg_Presentation
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- Presentation_Nikolas_Djukic_BAYHOST_Moldova_oK
- UR_Regensburg_Presentation_EN_MHELM
Labs equipping. Equipment Tendering, August-September 2020
During June-August the list of equipment was defined.
Tendering announcement: here
Authorization of the study program “Leadership and Management”
Between January and April 2021, it was elaborated the self-evaluation report of the training program “Leadership and Management” aimed to be authorized by National Agency for quality assuring in education and research (ANACEC). The report was submitted on April 9, 2021. The evaluation visit of the quality of the study program was carried out between May 18-20 in mixed format. The final decision was issued on June, 25 by ANACEC and on July, 19 by MECR.
Self-evaluation report
Decision of Governing Board of ANACEC
Decision of MECR
Seven equipped labs “Leadership and Management” launched. January 2021- December 2021