WP 2.2. Piloting of the new Leadership and Management Development Programme


Between 17 and 26 November, team members of the MHELM project participated in a training session. The training was aimed to train trainers from Partner-Universities and to present the content of the designed study program “Leadership and Management”.


Agenda, November, 17-20 and 26



    • Module 1 – January, 20 – February, 26, 2021


Between January, 20 and February, 20, the first module of the program – Leadership and Management in Higher Education Institutions  has been piloted. The module was provided by the team formed by PhD. Angela NICULIȚĂ, associate professor, SUM (Module leader),  Otilia DANDARA, PhD, professor, SUM, Dionisie BOAGHIE, PhD, associate professor, SUM, Tatiana GAUGAS, lecturer, AESM and  Tatiana SOVA, PhD, associate professor, SUARB.  At the launch of the module the themes for individual/team work  have been proposed for choice.




On February 25-26, the evaluation within the first module „Leadership and Management in Higher Education Institutions”  have been done, which consist in the presentation of the individual projects. The topics presented were as follows:

Larisa BUGAIAN and Daniela POJAR, TUM – Analysis of the strengths and difficulties of achieving the principles of university autonomy and social role in the context of current realities,

Irina TODOS and Ludmila ROȘCA-SADURSCHI, SU of Cahul – Elaboration of a speech,

Ala COTELNIC, Irina DOROGAIA and Angela SOLCAN, AESM – Elaboration of an action plan regarding the prevention / combating risks that may affect the managerial performance of the university,

Valentina PRITCAN, USARB, and Tatiana TURCHINA, SUM – Elaboration of a programme of actions regarding the formation of the emotional culture of the leader / teacher,

Aurelia LITVIN, Elena SCRIPNIC and Gheorghe BALTAG, ASUM – Elaboration of a programme of actions regarding the formation of the emotional culture of the leader / teacher,

Mihaela BALMUȘ-ANDONE and Maria HAMURARU, SUM – Evaluation of the institutional managerial system, from the perspective of the efficiency of the accomplishment of the managerial functions and roles,

Cornelia CRUCERESCU, Rafael CILOCI, TUM – Analysis of the manifestation of leadership in the institution,

Victoria CRAVEȚ, Evelina GHERGHELEGIU and Tatiana NOVAC, SUMPh – Analysis of the sectorial management of the university (academic management, human resources management, administrative management and financial management).

In the elaboration of the individual works there were used as study methods: general analysis, case study, and as a way of presentation, the teams selected PowerPoint, graphic representation (poster / banner, etc.) or other ways offered by online work platforms.

The presentation of the individual works took place online, on the Google Meet platform, and as evaluators were the members of the first team and the evaluators from the Partner Universities: University of Gloucester, ISOB and „Transilavnia” University of Brașov.

    • Module 2 – March, 1 – April, 2, 2021


Between March, 1 and March, 26 the second module of the Leadership and Management in Higher Education Institutions – Staff management and organizational culture in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Moldova has been piloted. The module was provided by the team formed by Daniela POJAR, head of Recourses Management Department, TUM (Module leader), Tatiana NOVAC, head of Juridical and Human resources Department, SUMPh, Ph.D. Valentina PRIȚCAN, associate professor, SUARB, PhD Irina TODOS, associate professor, SUCh, PhD Grigore BALTAG, associate professor, SAUM, Mihaela BALMUȘ‐ANDONE, lecturer, SUM. At the launch of the module the themes for individual/team work  have been proposed for choice.




On April 1-2, the evaluation within the second module  „Staff management and organizational culture in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Moldova”  have been done, which consist in the presentation of the individual projects. The topics presented were as follows:

Elena SCRIPNIC and Dionisie BOAGHIE, ASUM  – Hiring procedure and specific requirements for hiring a person in a scientific-didactic position within ASUM,

Ala COTELNIC, Angela SOLCAN, Irina DOROGAIA and Tatiana GAUGAS, AESM – Update, partially, the Code of Ethics / Academic Integrity of the University, applying 3 recommendations provided by the International Association of Universities and the Magna Observatory (recommendations are selected as desired),

Ludmila ROSCA-SADURSCHI, USCahul – Elaboration of a job description of a function/ executive position/ position, or another position/ function within the HEI,

Larisa BUGAIAN, TUM – Development, monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators in the field of internationalization,

Evelina GHERGHELIGIU and Victoria CRAVET, SUMPh – Hiring procedure and specific requirements for hiring a person in a scientific-didactic position within SUMPh,

Rafael CILOCI and Cornelia CRUCERESCU, TUM – Presentation of good practices in the field of human resources efficiency,

Maria HAMURARU, Otilia DANDARA and Angela NICULITA, SUM -Development of an action plan on staff development (academic and non-academic) within the higher education institution.

    • Module 3 – April, 7 – May, 7, 2021


Between April, 1 and April, 28 the third module of the Leadership and Management in Higher Education Institutions – Management of resources in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) has been piloted. The module was provided by the team formed by Larisa BUGAIAN, PhD hab., professor, TUM (Module leader),  Victoria CRAVEȚ, Vice-rector for economic-financial activity, SUMF, Angela SOLCAN, PhD, Associate Professor, AESM, Cornelia CRUCERESCU, PhD, Associate Professor, TUM.  At the launch of the module the themes for individual/team work  have been proposed for choice.




On May 6-7, the evaluation within the third module  „Management of resources in Higher Education Institutions (HEI)”  have been done, which consist in the presentation of the individual projects. The topics presented were as follows:

Daniela POJAR and Rafael CILOCI, TUM – Presentation of good practice in the field of resource management, on the efficiency of the use of financial/material resources,

Ala COTELNIC, Irina DOROGAIA  and Tatiana GAUGAȘ, AESM – Presentation of the experience of performance indicators by subdivisions,

Valentina PRIȚCAN and Tatiana ȘOVA, USARB – Presentation of the experience on the university information system,

Grigore BALTAG, Aurelia LITVIN, Elena SCRIPNIC and Dionisie BOAGHIE, ASUM – Assessment or evaluation of the university /subdivision budget,

Victoria CRAVEŢ, Tatiana NOVAC and Evelina GHERGHELEGIU, SUMPh – Elaboration of a cost/estimate of expenditure per activity/project, etc.,

Otilia DANDARA, Angela NICULIȚA, Maria HAMURARU, Mihaela BALMUȘ and Tatiana TURCHINA, SUM – State University of Moldova – promoter of durable developing,

Irina TODOS and Ludmila ROȘCA-SADURSCHI, USCahul – The impact of reducing the enrolment rate on university funding.

  • Module 4 – May, 10 – June, 11


Between May, 10 and June, 11, the fourth module of the Leadership and Management in Higher Education Institutions – Change management and organizational development of higher education institutions has been piloted. The module was provided by the team formed by Ala COTELNIC, PhD.hab., Professor, AESM (Module leader), Liudmila ROȘCA-SADURSCHI, PhD, associate professor, USC, Maria HAMURARU, PhD, associate professor, SUM, Evelina GHERGHELEGIU, PhD, lecturer, SUMF, Rafael CILOCI, PhD, associate professor, TUM. On May, 10, the themes for individual/team work  have been proposed for choice.



On June 9 – 10, the evaluation of the fourth module have been done, during the evaluation following topics have been presented:

Irina TODOS, USC – Designing the general model of change within the Cahul State University,

Otilia DANDARA and Mihaela BALMUŞ, SUM- Plan of measures for the implementation of changes and organizational development within the Business Administration Department,

Angela NICULIŢA and Tatiana TURCHINA, SUM- Resistance to change within the Department of Continuing Education and ways to reduce it, 

Aurelia LITVIN, Elena SCRIPNIC and Dionisie BOAGHE, ASUM – Elaboration of a development strategy according to the university management levels (based on the example of the International Relations department), 

Victoria CRAVEŢ, Tatiana NOVAC and Evelina GHERGHELEGIU, USMF – Analysis of the change management of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” in the conditions of electing the new Rector through the prism of the Kotter model,

Larisa BUGAIAN, Daniela POJAR and Cornelia CRUCERESCU, TUM – SWOT analysis in order to develop the internationalization directions of the university (TUM case study),

Angela SOLCAN and Tatiana GAUGAŞ, AESM – Implementing the model  of “entrepreneurial university” in the institutional development strategy,

Valentina PRIŢCAN and Tatiana SOVA, USARB – Elaboration of a development strategy according to the levels of university management: level of chair.

  • Final evaluation,  June, 23-25, 2021

According to curricula the program finalizes with the final evaluation, consisting in the presentation of individual projects, done in individually or in teams. During the evaluation were presented 11 projects:

  • On June, 23, following projects were presented:

Otilia DANDARA and Mihaela BALMUS, SUM – The strategy of switching from part-time education to distance learning,

Larisa BUGAIAN and Daniela POJAR , TUM – University financial management based on Cost Centers (TUM case study),

Aurelia LITVIN and Elena SCRIPNIC, ASUM – The draft of the Strategic Development Plan of State Agrarian University of Moldova for 2021-2025,

Irina TODOS and Liudmila ROȘCA-SADURSCHI, USC – Structural reorganization, as result of change at all managerial levels;

  • On June, 24:

Angela NICULIŢA, Maria HAMURARU and Tatiana TURCHINA  – Internationalization strategy of the State University of Moldova for 2021-2026,

Ala COTELNIC and Irina DOROGAIA, AESM – Application of the EFQM model in higher education institutions (AESM case study),

Dionisie BOAGHIE and Grigore BALTAG, ASUM – Regulation on the organization and functioning of the research and innovation incubator within ASUM, 

Valentina PRIŢCAN and Tatiana SOVA, USARB – Staged evaluation of the implementation of the Internationalization Strategy of USARB;

  • On June, 25:

Angela SOLCAN and Tatiana GAUGAŞ, AESM – Quality management of educational services in the marketing activity of the university,

Rafael CILOCI and Cornelia CRUCERESCU, TUM – Mc Kinsey 7-S framework for the development of international relations at FIEB,

Victoria CRAVEŢ, Tatiana NOVAC and Evelina GHERGHELEGIU, USMF  – The experience of restructuring the Science Department and Research Institute in Medicine and Health creating through the prism of Change Management (USMF case study).


On September 9 and 10, 2021, university coordinator of the MHELM project discussed on the piloting of the Leadership and Management study programme.  The aim of the workshop was to review the pedagogical aspects, the assessments, the content and to evaluate the impact. The review was made by European partners in collaboration with Moldavian partners. 


Pilot review meeting agenda 2021-09-09


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