The management of the partner universities in the MHELM project have permanently supported the development of a course for the heads of different university levels in the field of university management. The Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, being a full partner in the MHELM project, fully accepted the development and implementation of the training programme for managers in the university education system. This is reflected in several legislative acts of the Republic of Moldova such as: GD no. 636 of 11 December 2019 “On the approval of the Government Action Plan for 2020-2023” , Chapter VII. EDUCATION, RESEARCH, CULTURE, YOUTH AND SPORT of the Action Plan, GD no. 114 of 7 July 2023 on the approval of the Development Strategy “Education 2030” and its Implementation Programme for the years 2023-2025, Annex 1, DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY “EDUCATION 2030” in IV. STRATEGIC GUIDELINES, GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND PRIORITY DIRECTIONS FOR ACTION, Section 9 Good governance and modern infrastructure for quality education.
The objective of sustainability of the above mentioned training is also unanimously supported by the Council of Rectors of the Republic of Moldova.
Thus 3 parties involved in the implementation of the Erasmus+ project “Leadership and Management in Higher Education in the Republic of Moldova/Moldova Higher Education Leadership and Management (hereinafter – MHELM)”, reference number: 609656-EPP-1-2019-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, funded by the European Union, have signed an additional Agreement on the sustainability of training in the field of Leadership and Management. The agreement stipulates the responsibilities and rights to support the sustainability of management training.
The Board of Rectors assumes the obligation to promote and inform the universities of the Republic of Moldova about the implementation process of the “Leadership and Management” training program by approving the annual training plan, approving the minimum number of trainees for each university, approving the necessary annual budget and the schedule for the implementation of the program.
Each member of the MHELM University Consortium will promote the programme within the university environment, ensure the allocation of financial sources for the implementation of the programme depending on the number of trainees proposed, guarantee the training process by providing trained and certified trainers in the framework of the implementation of the Erasmus+ MHELM project and ensure a minimum number of trainees for the next 5 years (2023-2028).
The Technical University of Moldova as the successor of the MHELM project, being responsible for the sustainability of this project, will manage the training of the 0413.2 “Leadership and Management” training programme.
All these moments were discussed by all the members supporting the further realization of the Leadership and Management training during the MHELM project celebration seminar activity that took place 10-11 October 2023.
As a result of the discussions an Additional Agreement No. 2 to the Constitutive Act of the University Consortium “MHELM” was signed.