The event celebrating the completion of the MHELM project was an excellent opportunity to reflect on the achievements and to mark the valuable contributions of all those involved, who, through effective and efficient collaboration, managed to successfully implement all the activities foreseen under the project.
The meeting was opened and moderated by Ms Larisa BUGAIAN, the project coordinator, expressing her gratitude for the presence in such a large number, for active involvement and valuable contribution of each one to the successful achievement of the project objectives.
It should be pointed out that the event was attended by members of all partner universities, as well as representatives of non-partner universities ( „Ion Creangă” State
Pedagogical University, Academy Of Music, Theatre And Fine Arts, Cooperative-Commercial University of Moldova, State University of Physical Education and Sport, Free International
University of Moldova, “Stefan cel Mare” Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova).
The Rector, Viorel BOSTAN, came with a warm greeting to all participants in the event, highlighting in his speech the significant achievements of the project and how they contribute to the development of the academic institution.
In her greeting, the representative of the MEC of Moldova, Nadejda VELIȘCO, underlined the importance of the MHELM project in the further reform of the HE sector in Moldova and spoke about the MER initiative to create a National Centre for Education and Leadership that would contribute to the training and development of teachers and managers.
The Rector of USMF, Emil CEBAN, in his welcome speech, stressed that this project is an innovative one for Moldova, promoting sustainable development of higher education partners by increasing the leadership and management capacity of institutions. He confirmed the important role that the Rectors’ Council of Moldova and each university partner in the project will play in making the MHELM project’s Leadership and Management continuing education course sustainable.
Claudia MELINTE, coordinator of the Erasmus+ National Office in Moldova, also present at the event, noted the contribution, relevance and impact of the project on strengthening governance, strategic planning and management in Moldovan universities. David DAWSON, leadership expert at UoG University gave a comprehensive presentation of the activities of the EU partner universities within the MHELM project, while appreciating the results of the project, the responsible approach and their impact on the transformation of the higher education sector in Moldova.
During the consortium meeting at the MHELM project completion event, Alice BUZDUGAN, ISOB, spoke about quality assurance in the project and the quality of cooperation between partners in general.
Larisa BUGAIAN, project coordinator, gave a retrospective of the main achievements, capacity building experiences, challenges encountered, sharing success stories and significant results the project has brought.
In their presentations, POJAR Daniela (UTM), Evelina GHERGHELEGIU (USMF), Angela NICULIȚĂ (USM), Ala COTELNIC (ASEM), Aurelia LITVIN (UTM/UASM), Valentina PRIȚCAN (USARB), Irina TODOS (CSU) highlighted the substantial impact of the MHELM project in developing the leadership and management capacities of the staff in the universities, which is vital for ensuring the effective functioning of the institution, improving the quality of education and promoting a healthy organisational culture. They also listed and highlighted the outstanding achievements of the project, including those that exceeded initial expectations, brought up the challenges encountered and how they were addressed and overcome.
260 managers have been trained in the Leadership &Management Training Programme, including UTM-54, USMF-28, UASM-28, USM-35, ASEM-36, USCH-21, USARB-28. The interest shown in this training, development and strengthening of leadership qualities, capable of building and leading a cohesive team, has also come from other higher education institutions, associated partners in the MHELM project. Thus, 30 more trainees benefited from this wonderful Leadership and Management program in the following composition: UPCS-3, UCCM-4, AMTAP-4, AAP-1, USEFS-8, ULIM-5, USKomrat-1, National Police Academy-2, Military Academy-2.
At the same time, we are pleased that an impressive number of ambitious and innovative projects have been developed, substantiated and implemented.
TUM teams proposed 15 projects, USMF-8, UASM-9, USM-10, ASEM-11, USCH-7, USARB-9, IIS ascociate-11.
The range of themes of the proposed projects is very diverse: from themes related to the creation of supporting infrastructure for curricular and extracurricular activities, modernization of curricula, development of informal learning spaces, development and implementation of the information system in the field of Research and Innovation, creation of Research, Innovation and Development Centres within a specific field, to themes focused on “green” reforms, such as engaging universities in the “green transition” process “and cultivating values for sustainable development”.
The project proposals of all the teams were assessed by the Evaluation Committee as relevant, timely, useful, with impact both at institutional level and for the whole higher education system in the Republic of Moldova.
Finally, all project members present at this event expressed their gratitude for the effort of the coordinating management team, their dedication, involvement, collaboration, and the transfer of knowledge and skills acquired during this project.
!!! Surely the impact of the MHELM project and its achievements will continue to be felt in the long term.
Agenda of the event can be accesed here